The mortar shrinks and becomes hard after drying. It is less likely to crack if the consolidated mortar dries slowly, , but if you need to dry it faster to avoid damage, you can speed up the process.
Until it can cure fully, mortar needs to be kept wet for around 36 hours. The specific time count is somewhat up to the weather and other external factors. e.g. High temperature could evaporate the moisture out of the mortar.
Yes, but do not add water once the mortar begins to set after applied on the wall or something like that. To improve the workability of the mixture, what you can do alternatively add chemical plasticizers or masonry cement to it.
The most obvious problem with the dry mortar, if it is too dry, is a weak bond, which often causes a depression in the center when it is mounded. You can add chemical plasticizers or masonry cement to improve the workability of the mixture.
The whole process of dry-mixed mortar mainly involves 5 systems: raw material pretreatment system, metering central control system, mixing system, packaging system, and dust collection system.